Trinity Lutheran School:

Mission Statement:
The mission of Trinity Lutheran School is to work in partnership with families, to foster in children a love for Jesus, and to nurture them in academics, worship, service, missions, and fellowship.
Yearly enrollment is approximately 70 students from preschool through grade 8. Class sizes vary somewhat from year to year. Trinity Lutheran School has combined-grade classrooms for grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. Typically, each classroom has 10-15 students, although this varies by grade level. Trinity offers an all-day kindergarten and morning preschool with options to attend either 2-5 mornings per week for those aged 3-5 years.
Trinity Lutheran School is fully accredited with the State of Kansas through the implementation of the Quality Performance Accreditation model.
The most important part of our curriculum is the religious instruction that is provided for our students. Each day, students are involved in lessons and activities through which they are exposed to the love of Christ, and are encouraged to share this love with others.
Through the power of the Gospel then, they are enabled to live and work in God-pleasing ways. While structured religion classes may be held at certain times each day, students are encouraged to exercise their faith in every aspect of the school day, in every subject area, at work, and at play.
Chapel services are held each Friday morning at 8:15am. During these services, students sing, pray, share Scripture verses, and hear important lessons from God’s Word. Each classroom has at least one opportunity during the year to lead a chapel service.
The remainder of the curriculum is based on state standards. We use a combination of secular, and faith-based resources. Computer classes are integrated into the classroom, where students are exposed to keyboarding skills, computer applications, and are given enrichment and remedial lessons.
Band and orchestra participation are available through the Winfield Public School District. Two to three times a week, those who wish to participate are bussed to Winfield Middle School. Other music instruction takes place in conjunction with our school choirs. These choirs work on various types of music and participate in Sunday worship services several times during the school year.
An "early room" is available to students at no extra charge beginning at 7:30am until 7:45am for those parents who need to drop their children early. School begins at 8am and the students are dismissed at 3:30pm.
A hot lunch is offered to K-8th grade in cooperation with USD 456 Winfield schools. Prices are determined by USD 465 annually.
Lunch menu is available online.
Bus transportation is also available through USD 465.
Pre-Planned Absence Forms can be downloaded here.
This school is an equal opportunity provider.
See the full nondiscrimination document here.
To access Kansas Schools wellness data- click here.
Child Nutrition Program announcement is available here.
Tuition & Fees 2024-2025:
Multi-Age 3-5 years
Must be 3 by August 31st and potty trained.
Daily class size limited to 15 students
Registration Fee $150.00
Annual Tuition:
PreK- 5 days per week- $2250
4 days per week- $1936
3 days per week- $1622
2 days per week- $1354
School Age
Registration Fee $285.00
Grades K-8- Member*-$2,050 per year Non-member-$2,475 per year
1st Graders must be 6 years old by August 31st
Multiple student discounts are offered.
Please check with school office for these rates.
Tuition can be paid monthly, per semester or annually. Payment plan options are available through LCEF tuition management - Joyful Response. Click to read more about Joyful Response.
*Trinity Lutheran membership shall be defined, for determination of tuition only, as a family where at least one parent or guardian is a confirmed member of Trinity Lutheran Church and attends regular worship services at Trinity Lutheran Church at least once a month.